Laura Kennard

According to a well-known quote “people who love and care for animals have some of the biggest hearts around,” Laura certainly has a big heart then, as she is a proud mumma to three fur babies, a rescue dog named Bambi and two cats named Rio and Arlo.
Laura’s natural ability for love and care extends not only to animals but also to everyone around her. She has a way of making people feel important and special and is always ready with a listening ear and a word of encouragement. This makes her a perfect fit for her role as Legal Secretary of our Burleigh Waters office.
In addition to her warm and caring personality Laura has extensive experience in customer service and office administration across a range of different industries. She has also previously worked in the health services field.
Laura has recently graduated from the Southern Cross University  with a Bachelor of Laws and is in the process of completing her Practical Legal Training through the College of Law.